Water covers a major portion of our planet and is necessary for the survival of living organisms. Just like humans, land animals require water when they feel thirsty. Do the same criteria applicable to aquatic creatures, especially fishes- do they get thirsty? Yes or no? Let’s find out.
Do Fish Feel Thirst?
Fish have been adapted to survive only in aquatic habitats, however, they do get dehydrated from time to time – even then, they do not feel thirst like human beings. However, the amount of water they require is controlled by a certain mechanism that allows a definite percentage of water in their body to overcome the condition of dehydration.
Why Do Fishes Not Feel Thirsty?
The fish do not feel thirsty because they do not feel a strong urge to consume water. Secondly, thirst in fish is primarily a reflex that arises without any need. Thus, fishes lack a thirst mechanism which is why they do not feel thirsty.
Do Fishes Drink Water?
fishes do not drink water instead they have the ability to absorb water through gills or skin by the process of osmosis but the drinking habit of fishes depends upon the type of habitat they inhabit.
- Freshwater fishes only allow a particular amount of water by the process of osmosis in order to maintain the concentration of salt in their body.
- Saline water fishes allow a lot of water in order to excrete salt from their body via kidneys in order to prevent dehydration.
How Do Fishes Regulate The Water Level In Their Body?
The fishes control the movement of water by the process of osmosis which allows the water to enter the body only when needed. Usually, water moves in when the concentration is high and moves out when the concentration is low.
What Happens If Fishes Take In Water?
Well, this is a very normal process in fish to take in water to keep themselves hydrated or to maintain the salt concentration. If excess water enters their body, they keep the balance by allowing the water to escape out of the gills.
How Much Water Do The Body Of Fish Absorb?
The fishes require a very significant amount of water to regulate the biological process. According to an estimate, a maximum of 70 to 75% and a minimum of 25% of water is required depending upon the type of fish and their habitat.
Final Verdict
Like humans or other land animals, fishes usually do not feel thirst even being adapted to water bodies. However, they do drink water to keep a balanced level of water in the body to regulate the biological processes normally. Simply, to lose excess salt or to keep their body hydrated, fishes need water.