
How To Cook Fish For Dogs?

How To Cook Fish For Dogs

Do you like to eat fish and think your dog might also like it? You think right! Dogs love to eat fish and find it really tasty. If you have a canine friend, it’s a rule that you are always thinking about foods to add to their diets to create variation and thinking of ways to cook them delicious treats. 

If you are thinking of giving fish to your dog, then you need to know how to cook it properly so that it turns out delicious and healthy. Let’s discover how to cook fish for your dog in different ways and what things to keep in mind while cooking it. 

Can You Give Dogs Fish?

Yes, you can give fish to your dogs. Fish is a nutritious and healthy option for dogs and if you happen to see the ingredients of some dog foods available in the market, fish is mostly included in them.

It means you can give fish to your dogs, but the main thing to keep in mind is which fish you are giving to your dog and how you are preparing it because not all fish are totally safe for dogs to eat. 

Your dog should not be given fish bones as they can be very small and sharp and can scrape the throat of the dog or puncture its digestive system.

How Much Fish To Give Your Dog?

It is important to keep moderation in anything you give to your dog in your diet. If you are giving fish to your dog, you can give 1/4 cup of cooked fish to smaller dogs and 1/3 cup of fish to big dogs. Don’t give your dog fish regularly, 2 days a week is enough because if given every day beyond moderation, it can cause health problems and toxicity. 

Safe Fish For Dogs

There are a variety of fish present in nature but not all are suitable for your dogs to eat. Fish that are younger,  smaller, and have short lifespans are safer and healthier as they accumulate less mercury and heavy metals in their blood.

The fish that is safe for your dogs are: 

  • Salmon
  • Herring
  • Flounder
  • Whitefish
  • Whiting 
  • Catfish
  • Tilapia
  • Cod
  • Light tuna
  • Anchovies 
  • Haddock

Unsafe Fish For Dogs

It is better to avoid giving larger fish that live longer than other fish because there are chances that they have a lot of heavy metals in their bodies. Moreover, some of these fish can carry parasites in their body. 

These unsafe fish include:

  • Swordfish
  • Shark
  • King mackerel 
  • Tilefish 
  • Albacore tuna

How To Cook Fish For Dogs?

You can cook fish in different ways to add to your dog’s diet or give them as a snack. 

The best way to cook your fish is to fully cook it. The undercooked fish can still contain bacteria in it that can be dangerous for your dog and can make it sick.

1: Clean The Fish

This is the first and most important step to start preparing the fish. Clean the fish by rinsing it off with clean water so that any dirt or debris attached to it is fully removed. 

2: Debone The Fish

Remove the bones from the fish when you cook it for your dog. Many fish have small, sharp, and thin bones that can injure dogs’ throats and can puncture their digestive system. 

3: Grill The Fish

You can grill the fish to give it to your dog. It is a beautiful way to cook the fish and does not need any oil or butter to cook it yet it is really tasty. 

4: Bake The Fish

Another good option to cook the fish is to bake it. When you bake the fish, it is best to get mild-flavored flavored fish like whitefish, etc.

5: Steam/ Boil The Fish

Fish can also be prepared by boiling or steaming it. Keep in mind not to add any seasoning or spices to water when you are boiling the fish. 

6: Don’t Add Spices or Extra Seasonings

You should not try to make the fish the way you eat it. When you are cooking fish for dogs, do not add any spices and additional seasonings as they can be harmful to your dog and can cause gastrointestinal issues. 


You can cook fish for your dog in different ways but before cooking the fish, you should clean and debone the fish. You can either cook the fish by boiling it, grilling it, baking it, or steaming it. You should avoid frying the fish and not add spices or seasoning while cooking the fish. It is important to fully cook the fish and not leave it undercooked. 

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