Sea Life

Cat Shark | Size, Classification, And Facts

sharks aprilCat shark Size, Classification, & Facts

Although it may not seem like cats and sharks have much in common, the catshark is a unique and intriguing animal that merits our attention in the field of marine biology. These little-known sharks have several intriguing characteristics and are crucial to marine ecosystems. Let’s explore the world of catsharks in this post, talking about their size, genealogy, and other fascinating details that set them apart from other marine animals.

What is the Estimated Size of a Cat Shark?

Like many other shark species, cat sharks come in a variety of sizes, and the males and females can have very diverse appearances. Cat sharks can typically grow to a length of 12 to 24 inches, however, certain species may grow up to 40 inches long. Although their proportions may not appear remarkable in comparison to the big white sharks frequently seen in documentaries, cat sharks are intriguing due to their distinctive characteristics.

What is the Scientific Classification of a Cat Shark?

Catshark, scientifically named Scyliorhinidae spp., is classified as: 

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes)
  • Order: Carcharhiniformes
  • Family: Scyliorhinidae
  • Genus: Scyliorhinus

The Scyliorhinidae family comprises more than 160 distinct catshark species, which are further classified into numerous groups, each having a variety of species. Some of the renowned groups of catsharks are:

1. Scyliorhinus

This group includes sharks like the small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) and nurse hound shark (Scyliorhinus stellaris). The nurse hound shark, in particular, stands out with its dark spots and unique body patterns.

2. Apristurus

Apristurus cat sharks are often found in deep-sea environments. They have slender bodies and large eyes, and human encounters with them are rare due to their deep-sea habitat.

3. Bythaelurus

Bythaelurus cat sharks are typically found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are known for their striking colors, often featuring shades of brown and white. These sharks are relatively small and have adapted to life in deeper waters.

4. Poroderma

Poroderma cat sharks have distinctive and elongated bodies that set them apart from other cat shark groups.

5. Aulohalaelurus

This group includes some of the smallest cat sharks, with some species measuring only a few inches in length. They are often found in the deep waters of the western Indian Ocean.

Fascinating Facts About Cat Sharks

Now that we have covered cat shark sizes and their family tree, let’s dive into some fascinating facts about these remarkable creatures:

1: Cat Sharks Are Masters of Camouflage

Many cat shark species have incredible camouflage abilities. Their bodies are often covered in small spots or patterns that help them blend seamlessly into their surroundings on the ocean floor. This camouflage not only helps them evade predators but also makes them skilled ambush predators, allowing them to sneak up on their prey.

2: Cat Sharks Are Mostly Night Owls

Cat sharks, like many other species that live on the ocean floor, are mostly active at night. Under cover of night, they spring to life, hunting tiny fish, crabs, and squid with their keen senses. To save energy, they frequently sleep throughout the day in cracks or on the seafloor.

3: Cat Sharks Lay Unique Eggs

Cat sharks reproduce by laying eggs, but what makes them unique is the distinctive egg cases they produce. These egg cases, often referred to as “mermaid’s purses”, have rectangular or horn-shaped forms and tiny tendrils that allow them to attach to underwater structures. These egg cases protect the developing shark embryos until they hatch.

4: Cat Sharks Have a Slow Reproductive Rate

Cat sharks have a comparatively modest reproductive rate compared to several other shark species with high progeny production. They normally lay a modest number of eggs, and depending on the species, the gestation time can range from a few months to more than a year. Cat sharks are more susceptible to overfishing and habitat loss because of their modest reproduction rate.

5: Cat Sharks Aren’t a Threat 

Cat sharks do not pose any threat to humans because they avoid humans more than approaching them. Their small size, preference for deeper waters, and nocturnal habits mean that encounters with these sharks are rare. 


While cat sharks may not have the same level of fame, their modest size, unique adaptations, and significant role in marine ecosystems make them an intriguing subject of study. These night-active, ocean-floor dwellers hold a vital place in the diverse world of ocean life. Understanding their sizes, classification, and remarkable traits adds depth to our appreciation of the underwater realm. As we continue to explore and safeguard our oceans, let’s remember the often-overlooked catshark and the countless other remarkable species that inhabit the sea.

About the author


I am a Scholar and a dedicated content writer. I am on a mission to stamp out the importance of one of the ocean's most fascinating and remarkable creatures, the sharks, and to let people know about their role in keeping the ecosystem in equilibrium.