Ophiodon elongatus, commonly known as Ling cod, Cultus cod, or Buffalo cod is a species of the family Hexagrammidae and the only extant member of the genus Ophiodon. Interestingly, the meat of these species is blue which is very rare. Keep on reading to find the reason behind the blue coloration of the meat of the lingcod.
Where On The Globe The Lingcod Distributed?
The lingcod are predominantly native to the Shumagin Islands, the Gulf of Alaska, the Western coast of North America, and Baja California. Some specimens have also been sighted in the Mexican waters and along the coastal regions of British Columbia, occupying a depth of 10 to 100 meters maximum.
What Is The Physical Appearance Of The Lingcod?
The lingcod can appear in different shades of grey, having a length of 60 inches and approximately 130 pounds in weight. These species are blessed with a rare but unique coloration of meat, the meat of these species varies in color from bluish-green to turquoise. They have long elongated dorsal fins which help them to swim with agility through the water current. The body is covered with scales and has a large mouth equipped with sharp pointed teeth which help them to hunt and tear the prey.
What Makes The Meat Of A Lingcod Fish Blue In Color?
The blue or turquoise color of the meat of the lingcod is due to the presence of the bluish color pigment called biliverdin. The pigment contains bilichrome which is actually responsible for changing the color of the bloodstream into an odd bluish color. The reason behind the presence of this pigment in the meat or tissues is still a mystery for the researchers.
How Does The Meat Of The Lingcod Taste?
The lingcod is a very rare fish which is why very few people are lucky to have it on their table. However, anglers love lingcod because it is a famous food fish. It has a mild flavor that somewhat resembles the taste of cod or halibut. The flesh has large flakes and is medium-firm in texture. The meat is delicious but unfortunately, the vivid color of the meat loses upon cooking.
What Do Lingcods Eat?
Lingcods are voracious predator which feeds on small invertebrates, herring, Pacific hake, salmon, small octopuses, or large rockfish.
How Do The Blue Lingcod Reproduce?
The reproductive period of the lingcod starts in October, and the spawning starts in December and ends in March. The lingcod reproduces by oviparous mode of reproduction, by depositing the eggs in the nest. These species have a life span of 36 years approximately.
Final Verdict
Lingcod are the extant member of the genus Ophiodon that inhabit the major parts of the world’s oceans. The meat of these species exhibits a vivid coloration of bluish-green to turquoise. This is due to the presence of biliverdin pigment, converting the blood color to the odd blue. The meat of this fish is very delicious but sadly the color of the meat disappears upon cooking.