
A Guide To Shark Angling Fishing

Globally, fishermen are now turning their attention to shark angling because they are tired of catching small fish in the oceans. There are people who do it out of fun, while there are many who do that for monetary purposes. Sharks are expensive, for sure!

To be able to catch a shark is not easy and the same as catching other marine creatures, but it involves some technicalities. Moreover, sharks are valuable only if they are caught without being injured or wounded.

There is nothing intimidating about shark fishing more than catching the big creatures with gears. In view of the shark’s size and strength, people thought that they would have to bring heavy gear and equipment for shark fishing or angling, but little did they know that the right tools and the appropriate techniques make the job simple.

If you are heading for the shark-angling trip, read this article, and it will be worth every word.

A guide to sharks fishing

Fishing itself is a spectacular activity, and it becomes more adventurous when it comes to sharks’ angling. The truth is, it is not nearly as dangerous as many people think, but there are many ways that it can go wrong if you are not prepared. However, as long as you know what to do, you will surely enjoy it and will have a great experience.

Shark fishing can be dangerous and unproductive if you are unfamiliar with the methods and techniques it takes for shark angling. Since you are reading this, you will indeed be going to catch some big fish on the way. So, let’s start.

Where to go for shark angling?

Definitely, you are not going to catch a single marine species if you are not in a place where they are found. The same goes for sharks. Even though sharks are found in all major world oceans, for shark angling, you need to find the right spot. There are actually sharks that swim close to the shore, so you can fish directly from the surf, no boat necessary.

Nevertheless, if you decide to go into the waters, a boat is a safe and reliable option, and it is how fishing is usually carried out. In the end, it all comes down to knowing where large numbers of sharks can be found and targeting those areas.

Be prepared

Be very well prepared because you never know which species of shark or any other marine creature can come your way. A proper rod and reel setup is just as important for shark fishing as your terminal tackle and bait. Big sharks cannot be caught without the proper equipment.

When it comes to shark fishing tackles, don’t go for cheap but invest in quality and reliability. Line, hooks, bait, chum, and anything that you feel is important should be gathered at this point. Keep in mind that you get the tools and gears that are not harmful to the sharks and should not cause them injury. Stainless hooks, for example, should be avoided. 

Circle hooks are a good addition to the toolbox. If you’re going offshore, it’s good to keep the rod between 5-6 feet long, but it should also be compatible with shark fishing. For reels, it will depend on the type of rods you select.

All in all, there is an extensive range of options; just choose carefully. Assemble your gears and tackle, and you are good to go.

Fishing technique

Collecting and setting up the gears mean you are half done already, and now begins the real game. How you fish for sharks is your call to decide based on your experience and capabilities.

In situations where you are fishing from shore, you cannot chum due to the current and beachgoers. This makes your bait selection more crucial. In order to attract sharks, blood and natural oils from real bait are very effective. Remember, sharks are smart, powerful, and have a great sense of smell.

Make sure the sharks are not injured during the fight by keeping the fight time to a minimum.


Angling for sharks is a daring activity, but it is also a one-of-a-kind experience that will leave a lasting impression that is full of adventure and thrills. However, dealing with apex predators is not a piece of cake that you can swallow without hiccups. The experience can turn out to be horrible if you aren’t equipped with the right knowledge and the right set of gear. This guide to shark angling, therefore, is a starter for anyone who wishes to join the club.

About the author

Ameer Hamza

Ameer Hamza is a well-versed content writer who has been a part of the writing industry for over 4 years and part of Talha Saif Enterprises as an Author for over a year. Through his love of writing, he has developed his own writing style. He enjoys writing articles and blog posts that provide readers with detailed and accurate information. The knowledge he gained from his education helped him tackle many different subjects without any problem. As an avid reader and technology geek, Ameer is always on the lookout for the latest innovations.