The quarantine period of the new fish before introducing it to the other fish can be almost “two to...
Author - Hadia Atiq
How to Tell if a Hermit Crab is Dead?
When the hermit crab has not been moving for so long, starts smelling bad and rotten, and has its...
How Long can a Fish Live With Swim Bladder Disease?
The lifespan of the fish affected by the swim bladder disease is dependent on the intensity of this...
How Much Does a Dolphin Cost?
Dolphins are so expensive that their costs can range from almost fifty thousand dollars to two...
7 Fish that can Live in a Bowl Without Oxygen
The species of fish that can be kept in a bowl that has no oxygen filters include guppies, betta...
What is a Baby Fish Called?
The baby fish or the newly born fish that is small and not yet capable of breeding is called a...
Which Animals Eat Fish?
The animals that eat fish include flat-headed cats, tigers, grizzly bears, seals, American minks...
What to do With a Dead Fish?
When the pet fish dies, it must be taken out and wrapped up and then disposed of by either burying...
What is a Baby Dolphin Called
Baby dolphins are called “calves”. They look different from their parents because of their...
How to Tell if a Fish is Dead?
Observe the fish for any movement and check its eyes for any cloudiness. If the fish does not move...