Sea Life

Can You Eat Marlin and How Does it Taste?

Can You Eat Marlin and How Does it Taste

Marlin is a species of fish that belongs to the Billfish in the family Istiophoridae. These deep-sea species of fish are famous for their speed and power and are commercially fished. The Marlin fish is characterized by an elongated body covered with bony scales and a rounded bill. It has elongated pelvic fins and a dorsal fin with a very long forked tail. The fins of adult species are covered with scales and teeth.

There are four types of Marlins: Striped, White, Black, and Blue Marlin. The Blue Marlin is the largest and the White Marlin is the smallest fish. The Striped Marlin swims 50 miles per hour and is the second fastest fish in the world. The Marlin is one of the most challenging fish to catch. If you have caught Marlin, you might be wondering, can you eat it? How does it taste? Read this article to get all the important information related to the Marlin fish.

In this guide, we will discuss the following outline:

What is Marlin Fish?

The Marlin is a very strong and powerful fish that spends most of its life in deep water. They are migratory fish and have the ability to travel thousands of miles. Marlin can grow 14 feet long and gain 1500 pounds of weight. Following are the quick facts about Marlin Fish:

  • The Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans are the homes for the Marlin fish.
  • There are almost 10 species of Marlin, and all the species are closely linked to Marlin swordfish.
  • The Blue Marlin, the type of Marlin fish, is considered one of the fastest and biggest fish worldwide.
  • They have sword-like upper jaws that they use to catch the fish.

Types of Marlin Fish

There are four major types of Marlin Fish:

  • Blue Marlin
  • White Marlin
  • Black Marlin
  • Striped Marlin

1: Blue Marlin

The Blue Marlin is found everywhere and is one of the largest known fish species. It is blue in color with a silvery belly, and they have a dorsal fin with a spear-shaped jaw. The Blue Marlin is more powerful and aggressive and tends to dive deeper into the sea. 

2: White Marlin

The White Marlin is also known as the Atlantic White Marlin and lives in the central region of the Atlantic Ocean. The upper half of the body is dark blue, or chocolate brown and the lower part is silvery white. 

3: Black Marlin

The Black Marlin grows the same or larger than the Blue Marlin. Due to their strength and extremely large size, they are also known as the Bull of the Sea. You can see them in the Indo-Pacific Ocean; they are blue and blue gray above with lighter-colored bellies and they have distinctive pectoral fins.

4: Striped Marlin

The Striped Marlin is bluish above and pale below with pale vertical bars. They are found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. They usually move towards the equator in winter and away from the equator in the summer.

Can You Eat Marlin?

Yes, you can eat Marlin; the Marlin can be cooked or eaten raw. It is a typical fish in Japan, Mexico, and Hawaii. It is a healthy diet and the best alternative to Swordfish and tuna. It is rich in vital nutrients including vitamin B6, vitamin B12, protein, and calcium. Due to its large size, it is high in mercury. Therefore, you must consume it in a moderate quantity and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding women, and children you should not consume Marlin.

In Japan, people also eat raw Marlin as it is part of Japanese cuisine like Sushi and sashimi. The diligent preparation of Marlin is required as eating raw fish can cause food-borne diseases.

Where You Can Catch Marlin?

The Marlin resides in the deep water. The best place to find the Marlin is where the shallow waters meet the abyss of the ocean, generally known as the Continental shelf. You can also find the Marlin closer to the shores around the underwater seamounts. The top places to catch Marlin are:

  • Kona, Hawaii
  • Bermuda
  • Cape Verde
  • The Azores
  • Destin

How Does Marlin Taste?

One of the most considered and favorite aspects of eating Seafood is its taste. Marline has a gamey taste with mild flavor and subtle sweetness. However, the taste of the fish varies and depends on the different conditions such as preparation method, seasons, and species. Marlin is a fatty fish that consists of mostly fat content with pink flesh and a strong flavor. The best way to serve Marlin is in the sashimi style, not cooked only cut in slices. If you like spicy flavors, you can also use lemon, oil, and fresh corianders to prepare the Marlin in the Asian Style. 

Due to the distinct flavor of Marline, they are used for consumption. Marlin has a great delicious taste, but you should not consume it in high quantities as it is rich in mercury and other toxins.

Is It Healthy to Eat Marlin?

The Marlin is a healthy seafood that contains the following nutrients:

  • Protein: The Protein helps you build and repair body tissues.
  • Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 maintains the blood and nerve cells and is responsible for the proper functioning of the brain.
  • Phosphorus: It strengthens the bones and teeth.
  • Omega-3 Fatty acid: It lowers the blood pressure of the body and reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • Niacin Acid: Niacin acid improves digestion and keeps the body free from harmful radicals.

Recipe to Cook Marlin

The taste of Marlin varies depending on the cooking method and ingredients used to cook Marlin. Here is the recipe to cook Marlin fish:

Ingredient: Marlin fish, 2 tbsp garlic paste, 3 tbsp butter, 3 tbsp soy sauce, 3 tbsp honey

Step 1: Take a mixing cup, and add 2 tbsp garlic, 3 tbsp butter, and 3 tbsp soy sauce to make a paste.

Step 2: Wash the flesh and marinate it using the paste. Cover it for one hour.

Step 3: Next, place the pan on medium heat and put 1 tbsp of butter in the pan. Place the marinated meat in the pan and cook both sides of the meat for at least three minutes; remove the meat from the fire and your dish is ready to serve.


Marlin is an exotic fish that gained popularity due to its delicious and unique flavor. They dwell in the warm water of the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic, Indian Oceans. The Marlin is a healthy seafood due to its high nutritional value. Whether you eat it raw or cooked, it should be properly cleaned to avoid food-borne diseases. 

You should also consider the potential risk of consuming fish that contain excess amounts of mercury and other toxic substances. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children should completely avoid eating Marlin as it contains excess mercury. If you are adding Marlin fish to your diet, eat it in moderation as excess mercury is not suitable for other people as well. 

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