Sharks as we all know are one of the most ferocious species that live in extended water bodies. These creatures exhibit remarkable patterns of circling the prey while attacking or hunting them. We in this article are going to explain what this behavior means.
Circling Around Alleged Victims | Shark Behavior
There is not only one reason which will explain the circling of the sharks, they exhibit this pattern in different scenarios. A few of them are explained here:
1: The circling behavior of sharks usually gives a hint that they are about to attack or seize you up. However, this is not true in all cases, sometime sharks exhibit such patterns out of curiosity.
2: The sharks swim in a circle only when the alleged object is in their sight – it may turn the swimming pattern aside to examine the object.
3: Sharks when detecting the vibrations in the water current by the special receptors, begin to circle either to attack or to defend.
4: Some species of sharks are quite cautious and inspect you whether you are a threat or not.
5: Some sharks may bump you initially as a test, then circle and move in for the kill if their test confirms their assumptions.
6: The circling pattern of sharks also means that they are trying to learn more about you either by sight, hearing, odor, or electroreception.
7: The curious nature of the sharks allows them to circle the alleged victim to depict what it is – whether the victim is edible, a suitable partner, a deadly hunter, or simply a piece of driftwood.
8: Sharks cannot inhale because they lack lungs which is why they move at the high speed to catch the target. If they swim in circles, this movement will lead them farther away from what they’re observing because the smell is not directional.
9: Some species of sharks exhibit such a pattern as they are not able to pump water over their gills, which is why they swim constantly to breathe.
10: Sometimes the mistaken identification of the victim also allows the sharks to circle to protect them.
Final Verdict
Almost all species of sharks exhibit circling behavior, as there are many reasons behind this unique pattern. The sharks circle first and foremost to attack or hunt the target when in their sight. They circle to protect themselves, to breathe, or to detect the movement of the object, either it could be edible or is just a drift of wood. Overall, sharks circling behavior means that they are inspecting the object they sight.