
Mastering Pea Puffer Care: From Size and Diet to Ideal Tank Conditions

Mastering Pea Puffer Care From Size and Diet to Ideal Tank Conditions

Carinotetraodon travancoricus commonly named as Pea puffers or pygmy puffers, are captivating aquatic creatures. Their unique appearance, small size, and fascinating behavior make them an attractive choice for many aquarist enthusiasts. However, these species require proper care when in captivity. Therefore, this article will provide a comprehensive guide about the size, diet, and ideal tank conditions to ensure their health and happiness.

Who Are Pea Puffers? 

Pea puffers are tiny creatures that live in the freshwater rivers and streams of India. Due to their small size, these species are very common in aquarium trading. The distinct pattern and vibrant coloration of these species make them incredibly entertaining to watch.

What Is the Size of Pea Puffers? 

Pea puffers are small-size fishes that are approximately 1 inch in length when mature. Although it is typically not advised to keep them together, however, in large tanks, you might be able to keep a few suitable species.

What Do Pea Puffers Eat? 

In wild habitats, Pea puffers are carnivorous species that feed on small crustaceans, zooplankton, and insects. In captivity, these species feed on: 

  • Brine shrimp in frozen or live forms. 
  • Tiny aquatic crustaceans such as daphnia, are rich in nutrients and serve as an excellent supplement to their diet.
  • Mosquito larvae in frozen form. 
  • Bloodworms, either live or frozen, provide a good treat to them. 

Feed the Pea puffers in small portions, throughout the day, because they have high metabolic rates. Overfeeding should be avoided since it might cause health problems and contaminate the water.

What Is the Optimal Tank Condition for Pea Puffers? 

To keep the Pea puffer in captivity, it is important to provide them with a suitable tank condition, such as: 

Tank Size: As these are small fishes, a nano tank or a 5-gallon tank is best for the Pea puffers. However, a large tank of 10 gallons will provide more stability and a better display of their natural behavior. 

Water Parameters: With a pH of 6.8 to 7.5, they require slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. A temperature of 24 to 27°C is suitable for them to live a healthy life in a tank.

Filtration: Keep the water clean and well-oxygenated with adjustable flow to prevent stressing the puffers.

Decor And Hiding Spots: Provide enough hiding spots for Pea puffers to make them feel secure. Add driftwood, plants, and caves to create places for them to explore and take shelter. 

Lighting: A regular LED aquarium light that mimics natural daylight is sufficient.

Tank Mates: It is best to keep Pea Puffers alone in their tank because they may become aggressive toward other species. 

Final Thoughts

Pea puffers are captivating fish that require specific care and attention to thrive in an artificial habitat because they are susceptible to specific health issues. Creating an environment that closely mimics their natural habitat, ensuring clean water conditions, and providing a balanced diet, you should keep these stunning creatures happy and healthy

About the author


I am a Scholar and a dedicated content writer. I am on a mission to stamp out the importance of one of the ocean's most fascinating and remarkable creatures, the sharks, and to let people know about their role in keeping the ecosystem in equilibrium.