In addition to their diet of algae, blue tangs will occasionally eat small invertebrates or...
Author - Ameer Hamza
Small Spotted Catshark
Small spotted catshark, also called rock salmon or shy shark is an abundant shark species in...
Pacific Halibut Facts & Information Guide
In the North Pacific Ocean, Pacific halibut is among the largest flatfish species. Their large size...
Hawaiian Monk Seal Facts Habitat, Diet, Conservation, & More
The Hawaiian Monk Seal is a species of seal that is native to the Hawaiian Islands. The Monk Seal...
Giant Manta Ray Facts & Information Guide
Giant manta rays are one of the most fascinating creatures in the animal kingdom. These gentle...
Geoduck Facts & Information Guide
Geoduck is an amazing creature that is both delicious and unique in appearance. It is a giant clam...
Eccentric Sand Dollar Fact & Information Guide
The Eccentric Sand Dollar is a trampled, burrowing sea urchin mostly present in the northeastern...
Christmas Tree Worm Facts Habitat, Diet, Conservation, & More
The Christmas tree worm (Spirobranchus giganteus) is a brightly colored segmented worm that is...
California Two-Spot Octopus
California Two-Spot Octopuses are one of the friendliest species of octopus found in the waters off...
Average Lifespan of Goliath Grouper
The average lifespan of a goliath grouper is around 30 years. According to records, the oldest...